Simplexxis makes complex problems simple. We assist regulators and firms analyzing their problems and risks, designing successful strategies to solve them and we make them work.
Werner Bijkerk is founder and partner of Simplexxis. He is a renowned global expert in financial markets regulation and supervision.
He is a consultant to various regulatory agencies, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB). He has recently published the seminal book The Foundations of Financial Regulation (available here), which is used by regulators and academics worldwide. He is associate at the University of Cambridge (Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance, Judge Business School) and member of the advisory panel to the Spanish Institute of Financial Analysts (IEAF) and the Foundation of Financial Research (FEF).
Previously, Werner was research director at the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO), senior strategist and analyst at the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM), researcher at the Nyenrode University think tank NYFER and entrepreneur in Latin America. He holds master degrees in economics and art history.
Natalia Jiménez is administrator and logistics manager of Simplexxis.
She has worked over two decades in the tourism and conference industry.
In her last job she executed the role of logistics and conference manager in a global organization.
She studied theatre and dramaturgy. Currently she is conducting a university grade in philosophy.